All about the rowing machine
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Everything you need to know about the rowing machine
The rower, or rowing machine, offers a complete and intensive work. Mimicking the movement of oars on an oar, the whole body is engaged. Arms, legs and back work simultaneously
What are the advantages of the rowing machine ?
Practiced at a certain intensity, the rower will have an action on the destocking of fat. It is the fact of soliciting all the muscles of the body that will make it possible to eliminate persistent fat more effectively and to overcome cellulite.
Which rowing machine to buy for the home?
It is necessary to choose a large rower, about 2 m, for people measuring more than 1.90 m and preferably orient yourself on rowers with central draw. The rail of the rowing machine must be long enough to allow you to fully perform your pull-ups.
What is the best device to lose belly fat?
No. 1: Rowing or rowing: the ideal sport for losing fat. No. 2: Cross-country skiing: one of the most calorie-burning sports! No. 3: The elliptical trainer: among the top sports for losing weight. No. 4: Swimming: a complete sport without impact on the joints.
How long for a rowing session?
A complete exercise
Integrated within a session or in recovery from a bodybuilding session (about 15 minutes), the rowing machine has many benefits. If you want to obtain a fat-burning effect as a session body practice, you will have to do a 45-minute to 1-hour session at all costs.
How to row?
Schematically, on a rowing machine, you must engage the legs, body and arms in the propulsion phase, before resuming the movement with the arms, body and finally the legs during the recovery phase.
At what pace to row?
The cadence should be low, but constant and effective. The movement gains in amplitude and power when it is not done too quickly. To get an idea, a beginner rower should exercise at a rate of 26 and 30 strokes per minute for his movement to be optimal.
It is therefore necessary to favor a slower pace, in order to be able to engage the muscles, in particular the back muscles, to work effectively and without risk. It is also advisable not to accelerate the movement, or even to slow it down, during the recovery phase. By going too fast, said movement loses precision. The results will therefore not be there.
imposing too much resistance
The intensity of the rowing machine training depends on the resistance chosen during the session. If it is advisable to adjust the resistance of the device before exercise (so as not to work without it), the mistake is to choose it too high. When starting out, it is best to start with easy levels and then increase according to progress or goals. If the resistance is too high, you risk compensating by adopting a bad posture (hunched back), which can cause serious injuries.
bend the knees too soon
To take care of this back and forth movement, you have to pay attention to the return phase, that of the finish. When the movement is complete, the hands and arms should be straightened again, then the body finishes the movement by leaning forward. The shoulders and pelvis are then aligned. The common mistake is to bend the knees, when the body is not yet straightened. To avoid this, you have to wait until your body is leaning forward before you start bending your knees.
Fold your arms too soon
During the pulling phase, or grip, the arms are extended until the handlebars pass the knees and the body is about to lean back. It is therefore not necessary to bend the elbows too early which, moreover, must always remain aligned along the trunk.
Break down the excessive movement
As the movement can be divided into 4 phases, we can tend to pause and break its fluidity, whereas it must however be linear and fluid. If you stop, to catch your breath for example, the machine decelerates and the user's power drops drastically. Admittedly, the sequence is sequenced (legs/body/arms/arms/legs/body), but like the gears of a machine, everything must turn smoothly. So do not rush the gesture, but extend your arms again while keeping the same speed.
Not sheathing your back and abs
It is absolutely necessary to engage the muscles of the abdominal belt to keep the back straight throughout the effort. Indeed, a round back is the main cause of lower back pain while rowing. The elbows and shoulders should stay aligned when pulling back and the shoulder blades should come together. The abs and lats must also be engaged. Thus sheathed, you have the ideal posture for this demanding exercise that is the rowing machine.
The models of rowing machines vary according to the braking system (or resistance) which is always adjustable. A model with a heavier flywheel thus offers better paddling sensations. Equipped with a console, the most modern rowing machines are connected, to program and monitor workouts via a smartphone application.
The practice of a sport or physical activity is essential to maintain a healthy body.